

A Participant's Guide to Market Research

Written by:

Rachel Zarky

February 18, 2023

3 minute read

Congrats! If you're here there's good chance you've been invited to participate in a market research study. We understand that you might have some questions about what market research is, why companies conduct it, and what to expect when you participate. In this guide, we’ll cover these questions and provide some useful tips to set you up for success before your next survey or interview.  

What is Market Research?

Market research is the systematic process of uncovering actionable insights about a target market, its potential and existing customers, and the competitive landscape. The valuable insights gained from conducting market research can inform an array of key business decisions from product development to marketing and pricing strategies. Clients of Emporia Research's are primarily interested in gathering feedback and learning from the experiences of strong professionals like yourself within a B2B context to further their understanding of a specific industry, job function, or product. 

How is Market Research conducted?

Market research can be carried out through both quantitative and qualitative measures. Surveys and questionnaires are the most popular quantitative techniques used in market research. When it comes to qualitative marketing research, various engagement types can be used and are largely determined by the research objectives and target audience.

Here are some of the most common engagement types that our clients utilize for conducting qualitative market research.
  • In-depth interview: a common qualitative research method oftentimes conducted remotely with a participant to explore a particular topic or issue in greater depth through conversation. During an in-depth interview, the moderator poses open-ended and exploratory questions and encourages the participant to provide detailed responses that can reveal insights and perspectives that may not be captured through quantitative research methods. The goal of in-depth qualitative interviews is to gain a deeper understanding of a participant's experiences, attitudes, and behaviors related to a specific research topic.
  • Focus groups: a type of qualitative research that brings together a small group of typically 6 to 10 people to engage in a guided discussion about a particular subject or product. The group dynamic in focus groups enables participants to exchange ideas with one another during a lively discussion, leading to a deeper understanding of the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to the research topic.
  • Remote observation: is a type of market research method that involves observing participants during specific activities using digital technologies such as video conferencing and screen sharing. The goal of remote observation is to capture real-time behavior and experiences as they occur, without the need for researchers to be physically present. Remote observation can be used to study a variety of behaviors such as using a digital tool or software. This research method allows for the collection of rich, detailed data on how their user base engages with their product that can be used when considering updates and making improvements.
Here are some quick tips and best practices to set you up for success with a qualitative study on Emporia:
  • After completing the screening process and qualifying for the study, you can expect an email inviting you to schedule a time for an online interview with a researcher. When selecting a time, keep in mind the length of the interview as they can vary between 20 minutes to 2 hours. 
  • Once you’ve picked a time that works best for your schedule, it might be helpful to schedule a reminder 30 minutes before to avoid missing it. Additionally, we will send out reminders to ensure you don't forget about the scheduled interview. 
  • Before the interview, it's a good idea to be online a few minutes early. It's also important that you are in a quiet and distraction-free environment, allowing you to give your undivided attention to the conversation.
  • Most importantly, remember to relax and be yourself! Qualitative interviews tend to be more conversational. The interviewer is interested in your unique perspective and personal experiences, so don’t worry, and just be yourself during the interview.

What to expect following your interview?

  • As an Emporia study participant you can expect to be compensated for your time and insights via our online participant portal, Polis. Within Polis you can view other studies you might qualify for and redeem payouts from past studies.

Through your active involvement in market research, you can have your voice heard and offer valuable insights that will guide key business decisions and lead to future advancement in a field!

Never miss an opportunity.

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